Voice Improvement Training
Your voice channels your thoughts, feelings, and personality. It can reveal your warm nature or forcefully command a conversation. It can even make someone fall in love with you!
But when your doesn’t match up with the image you want to project, consider voice improvement training. You will work with a speech-language pathologist instructor who understands the science of voice remediation and vocal enhancement. Attend your sessions in person at our NYC office or on Zoom.
Learn more about how voice training works
by booking a Discovery Call.
How you use your voice can make the difference between appearing uncertain or completely confident.
When you speak too softly or without focus it can make you sound uncertain, tired… even disagreeable. But a clear, confident speaking voice can increase respect, credibility, and command of the room.
Voice, unlike accent, doesn’t reveal what part of the world you’re from. It does tell us about your personality, mood, and approximate age. It can even give clues about your age and physical and mental health.
Do you speak too quietly? Do you feel you sound younger than you are? Do your statements sound like questions and make you appear like you’re not sure of yourself? Have you found yourself disliking your own voice?
Your voice makes an immediate impression
If your voice has been described as breathy, rough, or nasal, we can help you make it dynamic, ringing, and resonant. You’ll learn how to use your voice for maximum impact, improving your work performance, social confidence, and overall presentation.
Voice improvement training is physical, interactive and fun. With practice, you will hear and feel the difference. Find out more: book a Discovery Call with a voice professional for an assessment and action plan.
Voice improvement training can help
Our speech pathologist instructors have strong clinical backgrounds in voice improvement training, including Resonant Voice Therapy, Estill Voice work, and Vocal Function exercises. We will help you re-train your vocal muscles to speak with a voice you are comfortable with – one that conveys your happy, successful, confident side.
Clients demonstrate improved vocal function in as few as 4-6 sessions.
Yes, you can change your voice to be more powerful.
Voice improvement training is interactive, fun, and gets results.
Our instructors will identify how your voice can be improved and work closely with you to remove the interferences holding you back. We’ll guide you through vocal exercises and help you practice your skills in conversation. You’ll speak more clearly, powerfully, and confidently in no time.
What Our Clients Say About AccentsOff
Results are obvious
“I strongly recommend Accents Off if you want to reduce your accent, speak more clearly, and increase your confidence when speaking. The classes are fun and the results so obvious.”
Improvements every week
“I’m very happy to have discovered AccentsOff. I’ve been taking semi-private classes with Rochel, and I see improvements in my speech every week. Her method combined with a lot of practice achieves noticeable results. Definitely a big confidence booster!”
Something was off
“I felt unhappy about my accent for years and knew there was something off, but could not figure it out by myself. Bianca identified incorrect sound patterns and a lot more that never hit me before. After 7 months of training, I am doing much more than I expected.”
Start speaking with clarity and confidence
We understand how critical it is to stay a step ahead of the competition and take control where we can. Learning how to become a crystal-clear, engaging speaker is one of the most important investments you can make for your career. Find out more about improving your voice by scheduling a Discovery Call and complimentary speech evaluation.