how to lose accent
Really-Tough-to-Understand accent

You Can or You Can’t?

Has this ever happened to you? You’re telling someone that you’re able to do something, for example “I can see you tonight”. And then the person replies “You CAN or you CAN’T?”. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN??? Here’s why: In American English, the helping (auxiliary) word “can” should not rhyme with “man”. It should sound more like…

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American Accent On!

“What sets worlds in motion is the interplay of differences, their attractions and repulsions. Life is plurality, death is uniformity. By suppressing differences and peculiarities, by eliminating different civilizations and cultures, progress weakens life and favors death”. – Octavio Paz, Mexican poet, writer and diplomat; 1914-1998 I love this quote. So why would I start…

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IPA Chart

IPA: A Roadmap for Accent Reduction

The International Phonetic Alphabet, or IPA: a universal roadmap of the speech sounds of all languages. Unlike alphabet letters, the symbols (or phonemes) of IPA are unique representations of speech sounds used in all languages. It takes the guesswork out of pronouncing irregularly spelled words, a notorious feature of American English. For example, the word…

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